HATEBREED: New Video Interview With WAYNE LOZINAK Posted Online

September 9, 2009

Patrick of Full Metal Rock recently conducted an interview with guitarist Wayne Lozinak of Connecticut hardcore/metal masters HATEBREED. Watch the chat at this location.

"In Ashes They Shall Reap", the new video from HATEBREED, can be viewed below.

Commented HATEBREED frontman Jamey Jasta: "'In Ashes They Shall Reap' is the first song we decided to focus on from our new album. I feel like this song will go on to become a big part of our live show as fans become more and more familiar with it. 'Live For This', 'I Will Be Heard' and 'Destroy Everything' followed a similar type musical structure where the call and response part of the song become mini-anthems onto themselves and the audience responds accordingly and we feed off that energy.

"We shot this video a few weeks back in Hartford, Connecticut with our longtime friend/director Dale 'Rage' Resteghini, who also shot 'Defeatist' and some of our earlier clips as well.

"The video captures the essence of the song and all the die-hard fans that came out to be a part of the live video shoot brought it to another level. We owe a lot to our fans for being the most amazing die-hards ever. We can't wait to start playing this song live and re-creating the energy you're about to seeā€¦"

The cover artwork for the forthcoming self-titled album from HATEBREED can be viewed below. The LP is scheduled for release in North America on September 29 via E1 Music (formerly KOCH Records). The effort will be available on CD, digital download, vinyl and special edition with a bonus 65-minute DVD. The follow-up to 2006's "Supremacy" will be issued on Roadrunner in all other territories.

"Hatebreed" track listing:

01. Become The Fuse
02. Not My Master
03. Between Hell And A Heartbeat
04. In Ashes They Shall Reap
05. Hands Of A Dying Man
06. Everyone Bleeds Now
07. No Halos For The Heartless
08. Through The Thorns
09. Every Lasting Scar
10. As Damaged As Me
11. Words Became Untruth
12. Undiminished
13. Merciless Tide
14. Pollution Of The Soul
15. Escape (New Diehard Edit)

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